Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I thought I would post a photo of my first Raw Lasagna...

This is a recipe from Nomi Shannon at Raw Gormet.

  • The Raw Gourmet Website

  • Lasagna

    8-10 servings
    A flavorful raw lasagna, best made one day in advance (taking into account the time to make the sunflower pate, this recipe will be ready to eat a couple days after you begin your first soaking). Ingredients include a marinara sauce and sunflower pate.
    Recipe from Nomi Shannon at the Raw Gormet.
    • 6 zucchini
    • 6 cups spinach, packed then roughly chopped
    • 4 coarsely chopped mushrooms, (or, thinly slices portobellas or baby bellas)
    • 4 cups sunflower cheese spread (see below), made with less garlic, onion and lemon so it is bland. Use water in place of 1/2 of the lemon juice
    • marinara sauce (see below)
    • cheesecloth, (all cotton for culinary use)
    Prepare Ingredients
    • Have sunflower pate spread made already.
    • Thinly slice the zucchini the long way. This can be done by hand or with a mandolin. Make sure marinara sauce is made by now or start soaking those sundried tomatoes!
    • Marinate for 1-2 hours in a mixture of olive oil, water and lemon juice. You will need enough slices to completely cover the bottom of the pan two times. (you can marinate longer if you want).
    • Place a double layer of cheesecloth in the pan, with at least 6 inches of cheesecloth hanging out on all sides.
    • Pat dry the marinated zucchini slices. Fit closely together enough slices to completely cover the bottom of the pan-Don’t forget to lay the cheesecloth down first, it is important.
    • Pour over a small amount of the marinara sauce and spread over the zucchinis.
    • Spread out a layer of mushrooms, (use 1/2 the mushrooms).
    • Spread a thin layer of pate over the mushrooms (use 1/2 the pate) (it’s ok to leave it in evenly spaced blobs it is difficult to spread).
    • Evenly place half of the chopped spinach over the pate and press firmly into place.
    Repeat the steps
    • Zucchini slices…
    • 1/2 of the remaining marinara sauce…
    • the remaining mushrooms…
    • the remaining pate…
    • the remaining spinach (press in to the pate)...
    • the remaining marinara (you can also add some chopped tomato and slivered basil to the top).
    Cover tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate.
    The vegetables and pate will have given off a great deal of liquid overnight in the refrigerator. Using the ends of the cheesecloth, carefully lift out the lasagne (it may take 2 people). Drain the lasagne for a few moments (hold it up and allow to drip or run your hand over the bottom)-then either place it in a new pan or have someone quickly pour off the liquid and dry the pan and put the lasagne back in. Slice and Serve. Or, dehydrate at 115°F for an hour or so before serving.

    Marinara Sauce.

    • 2½ cups sun dried tomatoes, soaked in water for 2 hours (not oil packed, buy dried sun dried tomatoes)
    • 9 fresh tomatoes
    • cold pressed olive oil
    • onion
    • garlic
    • fresh basil
    • parsley
    • oregano
    • sea salt
    • Cut up and blend the tomatoes in a blender. You should have approximately 3 cups of pureed tomato.
    • Drain the sun dried tomatoes (save the liquid to thin the sauce later if you need to) and add enough of them to the tomato puree until the mixture is quite thick.
    • Add the following to your liking: garlic, onion, a little olive oil, parsley, fresh basil, sea salt, oregano.
    Add any other ingredients that you like in a tomato or marinara sauce (for example, cut up olives would be nice).

    Sunflower Pate.

    • 3 cups sunflower seeds, soaked 8-12 hours then sprouted for 2-4 hours
    • 1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
    • ¼ cup raw tahini (can double the amount to taste)
    • ¼ cup cup liquid amino's, (or 2 Tablespoons Nama Shoyu, or a couple pinches of sea salt with add'l water, or none at all)
    • 2 slices red onion (or double to taste), cut into chunks
    • 3 medium cloves garlic, coarseley chopped
    • 5 tablespoons parsley, coarsely chopped
    • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper, (or more to taste)
    • Soak sunflower seeds 8-12 hours, drain, allow to sprout for 2-4 hours (leave out on counter) then thoroughly rinse and drain removing as many of the thin inner husks that float to the top as possible.
    • In a food processor, process the sunflower seeds, lemon juice, scallions, tahini, liquid amino’s, onion, parsley, garlic and cayenne until the mixture is a smooth paste.
    When thoroughly blended taste and adjust the seasoning. The pate will develop a stronger garlic taste in a few hours. Yields a large mixing bowl of pate.

    You should check out the site as there are lots of useful things on it.

    Bear. x

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