Monday, September 03, 2007

Well after lots of thought I decided to order an 'Excalibur Dehydrator'.

I worked out that if I was going to go/stay raw from now on I would need a dehydrator that work how I needed it, not one that limited what I could make. Also I need to start thinking of the bigger picture.

If I really want to teach raw food preperation then I am going to need the right tools. As a chef I wouldn't of had no pans or blunt knives.

so here are some more pictures of the dehydrator...

So now I will have to start thinking what I'm going to do with my other dehydrator...

Bear. x


Anonymous said...

oh my!

Well if we lived closer to one another I would say 'sell it to me' but it would get damaged coming over the pond I think.

Vegan Bear said...

Hi Faith,

I thing I'm going to offer it to Pogo Cafe if they think they would use it. It would be nice to be able to go there and have some raw food while Baz has his cooked Vegan fair...
